Novell Dos 7 - определение. Что такое Novell Dos 7
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Что (кто) такое Novell Dos 7 - определение

OpenDOS; Novell DOS; Opendos; Doctor DOS; Open DOS; Open-DOS; Novell-DOS; DR DOS; DrDOS; Enhanced DR-DOS; EDR-DOS; Enhanced Dr-DOS; Novell dos; PalmDOS; Caldera UK; Caldera UK Ltd.; Caldera UK Limited; Caldera (UK) Limited; Caldera (UK) Ltd.; Caldera (UK); DR/DOS; NWDOS; Caldera OpenDOS; EZ-DOS; DRFAT32; Caldera DR-OpenDOS; DR-OpenDOS; Novell DOS 7; WinGlue; WINGLUE.COM; WinBolt; DR DOS "Leopard"; DR DOS Leopard; DR DOS "Buxton"; DR DOS Buxton; DR DOS "Merlin"; DR DOS Merlin; DR DOS "Panther"; DR DOS Panther; DR-DOS "WinBolt"; DR-DOS WinBolt; Novell "Vladivar"; PQDOS; DRDOS.SYS; Dell Real Mode Kernel; DRMK; DRBIO.SYS; Dr. DOS; DR-DOS 8.0; OpenDOS 7.01; DR-OpenDOS 7.02; DR-DOS 7.02; DR-DOS 7.03; DR-DOS 7.04; DR-DOS 7.05; DR-DOS 7.06; DR-DOS 7.07; DR DOS 3.31; DR DOS 3.32; DR DOS 3.33; DR DOS 3.34; DR DOS 3.35; DR DOS 3.40; DR DOS 3.41; DR DOS 5.0; DR DOS 6.0; PalmDOS 1.0; MemMAX; MEMMAX; MiniMAX; MINIMAX; Personal Information Module; Personal information module; NetWare PalmDOS 1.0; NetWare PalmDOS; Novell NetWare PalmDOS; Novell PalmDOS; Dell Real-Mode Kernel; VERSION; VERSION.EXE; VERSION (DOS command); VERSION.EXE (DR-DOS); WINGLUE; LOADER.COM; LOADER (DOS command); LOADER.SYS; DRFAT32.EXE; DRFAT32.SYS; Caldera DOS; Caldera DR-DOS; Lineo DOS; Lineo DR-DOS; Caldera Thin Clients DR-DOS; Caldera COD; COD (Caldera); NOVOS; NovOS; DR-SBK; Caldera DR-SBK; DR-System Builder Kit; Caldera DR-System Builder Kit; SECURITY.BIN; Caldera OpenDOS 7.01; DR DOS 3.41T; EZ-DOS 3.41; Caldera DR-OpenDOS 7.02; DRDOS.COM; EDIT (DR-DOS); EDITOR (DR-DOS); ROM Operating System; Digital Research ROS; Novell ROS; Caldera ROS; DR ROS; ROS (operating system); OpenDOS 7.01.08; OpenDOS 7.01.07; OpenDOS 7.01.06; OpenDOS 7.01.05; OpenDOS 7.01.04; OpenDOS 7.01.03; OpenDOS 7.01.02; OpenDOS 7.01.01; Winglue; DISKMAP; SunPCi OpenDOS; Sun OpenDOS; Oracle OpenDOS; DR-DOS 3.31; Caldera DR-DOS 7.02; Caldera DR-DOS 7.03; DR-Flash; DR DOS 6.0/V; Caldera Digital Research Systems; Caldera Digital Research Systems Group; Caldera DSG; Digital Research Systems Group (Caldera); Dell RMK; Caldera Winglue; Caldera WinGlue; Caldera WinBolt; DRDOS (operating system); NetWare DOS; Novell NetWare DOS; Novell NWDOS; Law 774 Limited; Law 774 Ltd.; Trau keinem DOS unter 7; ND7TID.EXE; MEM TUT.EXE; STAC TUT.EXE; TMGR TUT.EXE; NWCH TUT.EXE; DOPT TUT.EXE; SEC TUT.EXE; FLNK TUT.EXE; DR6TID.EXE; TaskMAX; MemoryMAX; DiskMAX; NWDOS.INI; OPENDOS.INI; DRDOS.INI; DOS.INI; OPENDOS; DRDOS (Caldera); DRDOS (Digital Research); DRDOS (Novell); \NWDOS; /NWDOS; /NWDOS/; \NWDOS\; \OPENDOS; /OPENDOS; /OPENDOS/; \OPENDOS\; \DRDOS; /DRDOS; /DRDOS/; \DRDOS\; MULTIMAX.EXE; MultiMAX; DR DOS 6.0 business update; IBMBIO.LDR; BOOT.LST; Caldera DR-DOS Division; Law 774 (company); Digital Research Newbury; Caldera Andover; Digital Research Hungerford; Novell Hungerford; TASKMAX; Novell DR DOS 6.0; Novell NetWare Desktop System DR DOS 6.0; Novell DR DOS; Novell NetWare Desktop System; Novell NetWare Desktop System DR DOS; NetWare Desktop System DR DOS; NetWare Desktop System DR DOS 6.0; Novell DR DOS 6.0 NetWare Desktop System; Novell DR DOS NetWare Desktop System; 2001 Sales EZ-DOS; 2001 Sales EZ-DOS 3.41; 2001 Sales, Inc. EZ-DOS 3.41; 2001 Sales, Inc. EZ-DOS; EZDOS; EZ-DOS 4.1 Deluxe; EZ-DOS 4.1; 2001 Sales EZ-DOS 4.1 Deluxe; 2001 Sales EZ-DOS 4.1; The Advanced Networking DOS That's Easy to Use; DR DOS 3.3x; DR DOS 3.4x
  • Front and rear views of the ''[[Carry-I]]'' book-sized diskless workstation, bundled with DR DOS 5.0, based on an [[Intel 80286]] processor and produced by Taiwan's [[Flytech Technology]] c. 1991
  • Digital Research DR DOS 6.0 startup disk
  • Novell DR DOS 6.0 manual
  • A typical command line in Novell DOS 7
Найдено результатов: 3191
Novell DOS         
<operating system, product> Novell's fully compatible alternative to MS-DOS. It is intended as an {operating system} for workstations on Novell networks. It features enhanced memory management that moves the operating system, network drivers, and memory-resident programs (TSRs) out of conventional memory on all systems with an Intel 80286 or later processor and extended memory or expanded memory. It supports preemptive multitasking and {peer-to-peer networking} using the same DOS Requester and VLMs for a "common client" with native Novell NetWare. A data compression utility effectively doubles storage capacity of the hard disk. It supports disk defragmentation, a read/write disk cache for better performance of both DOS and Microsoft Windows {application programs}. An undelete utility recovers erased files, even on network drives. It has a complete on-line reference guide, command help, and menu-driven install and setup utilities for easy configuration changes. Novell DOS has internal and external commands like MS-DOS. The following commands have been significantly enhanced in Novell DOS: CHKDSK, DISKCOPY, HELP, MEM, REPLACE, UNDELETE, and XCOPY. Novell DOS also includes many new commands such as XDIR, CURSOR, XDEL, TOUCH, SCRIPT, and RENDIR. Version: 7. (1995-04-14)
¦ noun Mathematics the lowest of a set of maximum values.
?[as modifier] (in game theory) denoting a strategy that minimizes the greatest possible risk.
1940s: blend of minimum and maximum.
<games> An algorithm for choosing the next move in a two player game. A player moves so as to maximise the minimum value of his opponent's possible following moves. If it is my turn to move, I give a value to each legal move I might make. If the result of a move is an immediate win for me I give it positive infinity and, if it is an immediate win for you, negative infinity. The value to me of any other move is the minimum of the values resulting from each of your possible replies. The above algorithm will give every move a value of positive or negative infinity since the value of every move will be the value of some final winning or losing move. This can be extended if we can supply a heuristic evaluation function which gives values to non-final game states without considering all possible following complete sequences. We can then limit the minimax algorithm to look only a certain number of moves ahead. This number is called the "look-ahead" or "ply". See also alpha/beta pruning. [Is "maximin" used? Is it significantly different?] (2000-12-07)
Minimax (sometimes MinMax, MM or saddle point) is a decision rule used in artificial intelligence, decision theory, game theory, statistics, and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. When dealing with gains, it is referred to as "maximin" – to maximize the minimum gain.
Novell, Inc.         
  • Eric Schmidt, CEO of Novell from 1997 to 2001
Novell Inc.; Novell, Inc.; SilverStream Software; Microsoft-Novell agreement; NOVL; Novell Press; Netoria; Microsoft-Novell deal; Novell Advanced Technology Group; Advanced Technology Group (Novell); Novell Unix Systems Group; Unix Systems Group; UNIX Systems Group; Novell UNIX Systems Group; Novell USG; USG (Novell); Novell NSG; NSG (Novell); NetWare Systems Group; Novell NetWare Systems Group; Novell ATG; ATG (Novell); Novell Systems Group; Novell DSG; DSG (Novell); Desktop Systems Group; Novell Desktop Systems Group; NetWare Systems Group (Novell); Unix Systems Group (Novell); Desktop Systems Group (Novell); Novell Data Systems; Novell Data Systems, Inc.; SuperNOS; PGSoft; NOVL (NASDAQ); Digital Research Systems Group (Novell); Novell Digital Research Systems Group; Novell Interoperability Systems Group; Interoperability Systems Group; Interoperability Systems Group (Novell); Novell Deutschland; Novell Deutschland GmbH; NASDAQ:NOVL; Novell Japan Ltd.; Novell Japan;;;;;;;;;; Novell EMEA; Novell UK; Novell Provo; Novell European Development Centre; Novell EDC; EDC (Novell); Novell European Development Center; European Development Centre (Novell); Novell Orem; Novell Waltham; Novell Data Systems Inc.; Novell Corp. Headquarters; Novell Corporation Headquarters; Novell United States; Novell USA; Novell U.S.; Novell International Operations; Novell Australia; Novell Benelux; Novell Canada; Novell France; Novell Germany; Novell Hong Kong; Novell Italy; Novell Latin America; Novell Spain; Novell Sweden; Novell Switzerland; Novell United Kingdom; Novell San Jose; Novell Chatswood; Novell Zaventem; Novell Markham; Novell Puteaux; Novell Düsseldorf; Novell Milan; Novell Tokyo; Novell Sunnyvale; Novell Madrid; Novell Kista; Novell Zürich; Novell Bracknell; Novell Duesseldorf; Novell Dusseldorf; Novell Zuerich; Novell Zurich; Novell Regensdorf; Novell Regensdorf-Zuerich; Novell Regensdorf-Zurich; Novell Regensdorf-Zürich; White Box (Hewlett-Packard); Netwire; Novell Inc
<company, networking> A software development company specialising in networking and workgroup applications. Novell started life as Novell Data Systems, a computer hardware business. The company was reorganised as Novell, Inc., and began to focus almost entirely on networking in 1983, with the release of Novell Netware 1, a {Network Operating System} for IBM PCs. Novell Netware's success has left Novell in a dominant position in the networking market. The product has evolved and now supports many hardware and software platforms together with WAN connectivity. The company has diversified in recent years, with the acquisition of several mainstream applications, including Wordperfect and Quattro Pro. Other products include UnixWare, AppWare, Personal NetWare, Groupwise and Novell Dos 7. (21 Sept 1995)
Novell Data Systems         
  • Eric Schmidt, CEO of Novell from 1997 to 2001
Novell Inc.; Novell, Inc.; SilverStream Software; Microsoft-Novell agreement; NOVL; Novell Press; Netoria; Microsoft-Novell deal; Novell Advanced Technology Group; Advanced Technology Group (Novell); Novell Unix Systems Group; Unix Systems Group; UNIX Systems Group; Novell UNIX Systems Group; Novell USG; USG (Novell); Novell NSG; NSG (Novell); NetWare Systems Group; Novell NetWare Systems Group; Novell ATG; ATG (Novell); Novell Systems Group; Novell DSG; DSG (Novell); Desktop Systems Group; Novell Desktop Systems Group; NetWare Systems Group (Novell); Unix Systems Group (Novell); Desktop Systems Group (Novell); Novell Data Systems; Novell Data Systems, Inc.; SuperNOS; PGSoft; NOVL (NASDAQ); Digital Research Systems Group (Novell); Novell Digital Research Systems Group; Novell Interoperability Systems Group; Interoperability Systems Group; Interoperability Systems Group (Novell); Novell Deutschland; Novell Deutschland GmbH; NASDAQ:NOVL; Novell Japan Ltd.; Novell Japan;;;;;;;;;; Novell EMEA; Novell UK; Novell Provo; Novell European Development Centre; Novell EDC; EDC (Novell); Novell European Development Center; European Development Centre (Novell); Novell Orem; Novell Waltham; Novell Data Systems Inc.; Novell Corp. Headquarters; Novell Corporation Headquarters; Novell United States; Novell USA; Novell U.S.; Novell International Operations; Novell Australia; Novell Benelux; Novell Canada; Novell France; Novell Germany; Novell Hong Kong; Novell Italy; Novell Latin America; Novell Spain; Novell Sweden; Novell Switzerland; Novell United Kingdom; Novell San Jose; Novell Chatswood; Novell Zaventem; Novell Markham; Novell Puteaux; Novell Düsseldorf; Novell Milan; Novell Tokyo; Novell Sunnyvale; Novell Madrid; Novell Kista; Novell Zürich; Novell Bracknell; Novell Duesseldorf; Novell Dusseldorf; Novell Zuerich; Novell Zurich; Novell Regensdorf; Novell Regensdorf-Zuerich; Novell Regensdorf-Zurich; Novell Regensdorf-Zürich; White Box (Hewlett-Packard); Netwire; Novell Inc
<company> A small computer hardware company building CP/M Z80-based systems. They later went on to become {Novell, Inc.} and develop Novell Netware. (1995-09-23)
Dos a dos; Dos-a-dos; Dos-à-dos (disambiguation)
¦ adjective (of two books) bound together with a shared central board and facing in opposite directions.
¦ noun (plural same) a seat or carriage in which the occupants sit back to back.
Fr., 'back to back'.
Dos a dos; Dos-a-dos; Dos-à-dos (disambiguation)
·add. ·noun A sofa, open carriage, or the like, so constructed that the occupants sit back to back.
II. Dos-a-dos ·add. ·adv Back to back; as, to sit dos-a-dos in a dogcart; to dance dos-a-dos, or so that two dancers move forward and pass back to back.
Novell Embedded Systems Technology         
Novell NEST; Novell Extended Network; Novell Extended Networks; Novell Extended Networks Division; NEST Autoroute; Novell NEST Autoroute; NEST Client; Novell NEST Client; NEST Client SDK; Novell NEST Client SDK; NEST Client SDK 1.0; NEST Client SDK 1.1; NEST Client SDK 1.2; NEST Server; Novell NEST Server; NEST Server SDK; Novell NEST Server SDK; NEST Server SDK 1.0; NEST Office; Novell NEST Office; NEST Office SDK; Novell NEST Office SDK; NEST Office SDK 1.0; NEST SDK 1.0; NEST SDK 1.1; NEST SDK 1.2; Novell NEST SDK 1.0; Novell NEST SDK 1.1; Novell NEST SDK 1.2; NEST Requester; Novell NEST Requester; NEST POSE; Novell POSE; Novell NEST POSE; Portable Operating System Extension; Novell Portable Operating System Extension; NEST Portable Operating System Extension; Novell NEST Portable Operating System Extension; NetWare Services Layer; Novell NetWare Services Layer; NEST NetWare Services Layer; Novell NEST NetWare Services Layer; NEST (Novell); NEST SDK; Novell NEST SDK; NEST Software Development Kit; Novell NEST Software Development Kit; PSOSystem NEST Development Environment; PNDE; FlexOS/NEST
Novell Embedded Systems Technology (NEST) was a series of APIs, data formats and network protocol stacks written in a highly portable fashion intended to be used in embedded systems. The idea was to allow various small devices to access Novell NetWare services, provide such services, or use NetWare's IPX protocol as a communications system (and later also TCP/IP).
Microsoft DOS         
  • Command Prompt in [[Windows 10]]
  • MS-DOS (Compaq-DOS) version 1.12 (based on MS-DOS 1.25) for Compaq Personal Computer
  • MS-DOS version 5.0
  • MS-DOS 2.11 boot disk for the [[Leading Edge Model D]] in its sleeve
  • MS-DOS version 6.22
  • Japanese MS-DOS 6.2/V
  • German MS-DOS 6.2 Update
  • MS-DOS Prompt in [[Windows 95]]
  • MS-DOS command prompt
  • MS-DOS 3.3C for the [[PC-9800 series]]
  • US Navy]] food service management system.
MSDOS; Microsoft DOS; MS DOS; Microsoft Disk Operating System; Ms-dos; Microsoft MS-DOS; MsDOS; MSdos; MSN-DOS Prompt; MS/DOS; MS-DOS 6; MS-DOS 6.22; MS-DOS 7.10; SB-DOS; NCR-DOS; COMPAQ-DOS; Software Bus 86; Ms-Dos; Hebrew MS-DOS; Arabic MS-DOS; ADOS (MS-DOS); HDOS (MS-DOS); MS-DOS 3.2; MS-DOS 5.0; MS-DOS 4.01; MS-DOS 3.20; MS-DOS 5.00; MS-DOS 6.0; MS-DOS 6.00; MS-DOS 6.2; MS-DOS 6.20; MS-DOS 6.21; MS-DOS 7.00; MS-DOS 8.00; MS-DOS 3.0; MS-DOS 3.1; MS-DOS 3.3; MS-DOS 3.31; MS-DOS 3.30; MS-DOS 3.00; MS-DOS 3.10; MS-DOS 3.21; MS-DOS 3.25; MS-DOS 2; MS-DOS 2.00; MS-DOS 2.01; MS-DOS 2.10; MS-DOS 2.11; MS-DOS 2.50; MS-DOS 1.50; MS-DOS 1.51; MS-DOS 1.52; MS-DOS 1.53; MS-DOS 1.54; MS-DOS 1.25; MS-DOS 1.26; MS-DOS 1.27; MS-DOS 1.28; MS-DOS 1.29; MS-DOS 1.30; MS-DOS 1.40; MS-DOS 1.41; MS-DOS 1.20; MS-DOS 1.21; MS-DOS 1.22; MS-DOS 1.23; MS-DOS 1.24; MS-DOS 1.11; MS-DOS 1.12; MS-DOS 1.13; MS-DOS 1.14; ADOS (Microsoft); HDOS (Microsoft); MS-DOS 3.22; Access DOS; MS-DOS 3.4; MS-DOS 3.40; MS-DOS 2.13; TeleVideo PC DOS 2.11; TeleVideo Personal Computer DOS 2.11; TeleVideo PC DOS; TeleVideo Personal Computer DOS; Altos MS-DOS; Altos MS-DOS 2.11; MS-DOS 5.01; HDOS 5.0; Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0; Microsoft Hebrew MS-DOS; Microsoft Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0; Microsoft HDOS; Microsoft HDOS 5.0; Microsoft ADOS 5.0; Microsoft ADOS; Microsoft Arabic MS-DOS 5.0; Microsoft Arabic MS-DOS; Arabic MS-DOS 5.0; ADOS 5.0; ADOS 5.00; HDOS 5.00; ADOS 3.3; Microsoft ADOS 3.3; Microsoft Arabic MS-DOS 3.3; Arabic MS-DOS 3.3; Microsoft HDOS 3.3; Microsoft Hebrew MS-DOS 3.3; Hebrew MS-DOS 3.3; HDOS 3.3; MS-DOS 3.21R; MS-DOS 3.3R; MS-DOS 2.25; MS-DOS 2.12; MS-DOS 2.11R; MS-DOS 3.30R; Tandy MS-DOS 2.11R; MS-DOS 3.22R; Hewlett-Packard MS-DOS 3.22R; HP MS-DOS 3.22R; MS-DOS 3.3A; MS-DOS 3.30A; Microsoft MS-DOS 3.3A; Microsoft MS-DOS 3.30A; MS-DOS 3.3a; MS-DOS 3.30a; Microsoft MS-DOS 3.3a; Microsoft MS-DOS 3.30a; Texas Instruments MS-DOS 2.12; TI MS-DOS 2.12; Compaq MS-DOS 3.31; TI MS-DOS 3.3R; Texas Instruments MS-DOS 3.3R; TI MS-DOS 3.30R; Texas Instruments MS-DOS 3.30R; MS-DOS 2.0; MS-DOS 2.5; AST Premium Exec DOS 5.0; AST Premium Exec DOS; AST Premium Exec MS-DOS; AST MS-DOS 5.0; AST Premium Exec MS-DOS 5.0; MS-DOS 4.0 (IBM-developed); MS-ROMDOS; MS-DOS 4.00 (IBM-developed); MS-DOS 6.x; MS-DOS platforms; MS-DOS Mobile; MS DOS Mobile; TeleVideo Personal Computer DOS 2.0; TeleVideo PC DOS 2.0; MS-DOS 5.00A; MS-DOS 2.2; MS-DOS 2.20; MS-DOS 2.05; Disk Control Program; DCP (operating system); DCP 3.20; DCP 3.30; DCP 3.2; DCP 3.3; MS-DOS 1.2; MS-DOS 1.1; PC MS-DOS; MS-DOS 5; MS-DOS 3; MS-DOS 1; MS-DOS 3.30+; DCP1700; DCP1700 3.20; DCP1700 3.30; DCP 1700; DCP 1700 3.20; DCP 1700 3.30; DCP3.3; WDOS (operating system); MS-Dos



DR-DOS (written as DR DOS, without a hyphen, in versions up to and including 6.0) is a disk operating system for IBM PC compatibles. Upon its introduction in 1988, it was the first DOS attempting to be compatible with IBM PC DOS and MS-DOS (which were the same product sold under different names).

DR-DOS was developed by Gary A. Kildall's Digital Research and derived from Concurrent PC DOS 6.0, which was an advanced successor of CP/M-86. As ownership changed, various later versions were produced with names including Novell DOS and Caldera OpenDOS.